How To: Location Data and Mobile Phone Privacy

GPS stands for Global Positioning System. Mobile phone GPS tracking is useful for certain things, such as for emergencies. As such, the FCC has instructed that wireless network providers provide the mobile phone GPS tracking location information for 911 calls which have been made by callers. However, because cell phones track where an individual goes… Read More

How To: Managing Your eBay Security

This article contains a number of steps that you can take to help protect your eBay account from identity theft and scams. Secure Passwords Secure passwords combine both letters and numbers. Be sure to use something that is not easily guessed and change your passwords at least every six months. Also, your eBay password should… Read More

How To: Managing Your Skype Security

This article discusses a number of simple steps you can take in order to stay safe when using Skype. Create Strong Passwords Choosing a secure password to access your Skype account is crucial. The following are some password tips: Use a mixture of letters, numbers and special characters. Use a unique password that is not… Read More

How To: Managing Your Kindle Security

While Amazon’s Kindle is a great product, it has very little security. Below are tips that you can use to make sure you password protect your Kindle, and don’t receive unwanted documents or charges to your Kindle account. Password Protecting Your Kindle You can set a password for your Kindle so no unauthorized users can… Read More

How To: Foursquare Security Issues

All social networking websites reveal person information about ourselves. However, these risks are escalated when using Foursquare, a website which exists to tell our friends where we are. This article discusses some of the security issues you should be aware of if you use Foursquare. Its Risky to Broadcast Your Location If you use Foursquare… Read More

How To: Managing Your WordPress Site Security

This article contains a number of tips that should keep in mind to ensure that your WordPress site contains no security holes that might make it vulnerable to hackers. Use a Secure Password Creating a strong password is one of the best and easiest defenses against being hacked. Make sure you change it at least… Read More

How To: Managing Your Google+ Security Settings

Google+ is Google’s social networking site that is similar to Facebook. Below are some tips on how you can use Google+’s security and privacy options to make your Google+ experience a safe one. Turn Off Photo and Geolocation Tagging By default, Google+ inserts geolocation information into any photo you upload, and allows your face to… Read More

How To: Foursquare Security Issues

All social networking websites reveal person information about ourselves. However, these risks are escalated when using Foursquare, a website which exists to tell our friends where we are. This article discusses some of the security issues you should be aware of if you use Foursquare. Its Risky to Broadcast Your Location If you use Foursquare… Read More